Thursday, March 12, 2009

Introducing Opt-in Revolver Software...

The Opt In Revolver Can:

  • Help you focus on bringing in prospects, knowing what the optimal opt-in page is.

  • Completely automate the split-testing process, providing you with easy to understand results in real time.

  • Help eliminate conversion leak (the number of people who SEE your opt-in page but never actually OPT-IN).

  • Increase your income AND minimize your advertising expenses.

The Opt-In Revolver was created specifically to help the average marketer make the jump into the big league. Even if you've never heard of split-testing before, the Opt-In Revolver puts world class testing abilities right at your fingertips.

The Opt-In Revolver is an automated split-tester for your opt-in pages. Lots of marketers only worry about bringing people to their site and never worry about how many of them actually DO something once they arrive.

And lots of marketers fail. They're dropping like flies, every day.

These marketers treat prospects and subscribers as if they are the same thing. They're not! A prospect COSTS YOU MONEY and a client/subscriber BRINGS YOU MONEY.

A prospect costs you money, energy or both regardless of how they came in. Pay-per-click, mass marketing, search engine optimization...these are all things that cost you money, energy or both so it doesn't matter how someone finds your cost you SOMETHING to get them there.

Because of this, you need to maximize the number of prospects who become subscribers. Once you've got their email address and permission to contact them you've astronomically increased your chances of selling them something in the future.

For a limited time you can get it FREE. Grab your copy now!

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